Karman-Alpha was the most powerful and technically complex rocket Sunride has ever launched. It was a high powered 2 stage rocket that launched on 1st July 2023 at FAR in California. It reached an apogee of 22,000 feet after a second stage motor anomaly. Karman Alpha is the first rocket in our “Karman Series” that aims to reach the Karman Line (100 km).

Watch our Documentary
Click below to watch our documentary ‘Karman Alpha: Twelve Feet Under’ and its trailer, directed by Stephen Lin. This documentary describes the story of the launch, with interviews from key team members and footage from the week before launch, the launch day, and the recovery process that followed.
Project Sunride thanks Stephen Lin and our Marketing team for their incredible work. It is also crucial to thank our former sponsors for their support in launching Karman Alpha.